Tag Archives: The Crossbox Podcast

The Crossbox Podcast: Episode 17 – Grab Bags

In this episode, we can’t decide on one item for each topic, so instead we bring you a grab bag of grab bags. Jay talks about backwards aircraft carriers and the origin of the minimap, John tells you about news which was fresh when we recorded and old when we publish, and new audio setup reduces Jay’s obnoxious breathing noises by up to 80%.

Further reading
John breaks the Wilson Combat EDC X9 story several hours before any major source
John decides the EDC X9 is stupid
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The Crossbox Podcast: Episode 16 – Winter, Planely Negative

In this episode, Jay picks a horrifyingly punny title, we agree that shotguns are for door locks, beanbags, and pigeons clay and live, John picks older items in a gaming topic than Jay for once, and we discuss the only pitiful species of hornet in the world.

Further reading
Clashes and 11 Days of Christmas, Marshall L. Michael III
A Gripen-C (payload 11,400lb) can indeed carry an empty A-4F (weight 10,450lb). We couldn’t find payload figures for the Gripen-A in our admittedly abbreviated after-show research.


Visit the Soapbox for articles and commentary authored by the hosts of the Crossbox Podcast. Find back episodes of the Crossbox Podcast here.

The Crossbox Podcast: Episode 15 – Two Favorites

After yet another month of failing to finish our special project, we knock together an episode at the last second to keep our monthly schedule going, sort of like this.

Further reading
P320 selection
Borgundy pistol selection
DCS Viggen videos
InRange TV AK mud test


Visit the Soapbox for articles and commentary authored by the hosts of the Crossbox Podcast. Find back episodes of the Crossbox Podcast here.

The Crossbox Podcast: Episode 14 – Christmas Special

Merry Christmas! We dive into our wishlists for a very special special episode.

Further reading
In defense of the single-seat attack helo
Website search for ‘tank’, since John has written about a million of ’em


The Crossbox Podcast: Episode 13 – Qualified Approval

We’re back to our normal format for a very late November episode. Join us for some griping about one thing which really isn’t tacticool, some games which we don’t understand, and the case of the missing quals.

Further reading
PC Gamer writes up some terrible adventure game puzzles


The Crossbox Podcast: Episode 11

In this episode, Jay rambles for a full half hour on a gun topic (a Crossbox first!), we trash a three-gun group whose rules specify what color your magazines are (and are not) allowed to be, we make a connection between Bond and Longstreet, and we decide that the French aren’t so bad after all.

Further reading
Jay’s Goldeneye Source review in one line (approximately): wow, how old-school. I don’t remember it taking this many bullets to kill someone. Oh, right. I always used the P90. That’s why.
Goldeneye Source
Civil War II
Your Korean tank…
… and IFV
And the Gripen


The Crossbox Podcast: Episode 10

In which we have no special theme for you, but we do have: a squee-worthy news topic immediately following a weighty warlike one, some further competition kit chit-chat, some defenses of indefensible procurement errors, and a proper savaging of a game that we describe as, “Factorio, but boring,” as well as, “EVE Online for shut-ins”. Listen and see for yourself.

Further reading
Glock trigger connector improvement
Geissele AR trigger
History of the Abrams and MBT-70
John’s Leopard 2 reference of choice
Armiger Solutions: our match sponsor!
Kytex-brand Kydex gear (that isn’t confusing at all)
Rebel Galaxy
What Price Glory, purveyor of reproduction military kit

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The Crossbox Podcast: Episode 9 – Shooting the Breeze

This month, radio gremlins do not replace our show with something straight from 1940, we talk about artillery through the ages in more ways than one, and we report on hitting the dusty competition circuit.

Further reading
Japanese license-built Krupp 12cm howitzer
7.7cm Krupp field howitzer, pre-hydraulic recoil, used by the Boers in the Second Boer War, still superior to British artillery in South Africa
Artillery causes 80% casualties in the Donbas war
Three Kat articles
Intro to Glockblaster

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