Wednesday What We’re Reading (Oct. 21, 2020)

Disregard the calendar. For the next few minutes, it’s October 21.


Science and Technology

The Rona



US Politics

Grab Bag

  • Why do zebras have stripes? – The answer is not, as I would have confidently told you one week ago, camouflage. It’s insect resistance: flies find it hard to land on a striped surface, and Africa is full of little flying things carrying equinocidal diseases.
  • Door Kickers 2 is still on the way – Door Kickers the First comes with the Genuine Patent Soapbox Seal of Editorial Approval. We’re split 50-50 between hopeful and cynical on the next entry.
  • Red Bull could quit Formula One – They’re pitching a fit because Mercedes can’t sell them engines (no factory capacity left), they burned their bridges with Renault during the 2018 split, and even Ferrari doesn’t want Ferrari engines right now.
  • Surprising nobody, Wikipedia has a leftist bias – Just wait until I tell you about universities and the press!

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