OpenTafl v0.3.0.0b released!

Well, actually, it was released on Thursday, but parvusimperator needed some space filled on Saturday, so here we are.

OpenTafl v0.3.0.0b is a major milestone release, as you can tell by the version number increment. It brings support for network play and, as far as I know, is the only real-time tafl game with support for a proper game clock built-in. From now on, there will be a server running at, which is the default setting in OpenTafl. Selection of server is user-configurable, and anyone can run a server by using the –server command line option, and optionally –threads <#> to indicate how many worker threads the server should run.

In other news, OpenTafl now lives primarily at Bitbucket: you can find the link (and the link to the updated version) on the OpenTafl website. Bitbucket has a built-in bug tracker, so if you encounter any issues, file them over there1. The source will continue to be mirrored at the old Many Words hgweb instance, but those updates will lag by a day2.

Since I have a few extra days3 to write this, I may as well go into a little more detail on OpenTafl’s server architecture, for the curious.

For maximum scalability, the OpenTafl server does as much work as possible on a set of worker threads, which pull tasks from a priority-based task queue. The task queue has three separate internal queues: a high-priority, standard-priority, and low-priority queue. Tasks are preferentially executed from higher-priority queues, interleaving low-priority queues as necessary to prevent total starvation of the lower-priority queues4. When a client connects to the server, a client thread is created. This client thread has the sole task of taking incoming data and pushing it to a handle-communication task on the standard-priority queue. The handle-communication task in turn pushes tasks to the high or low priority queues.

On the server, clients can belong to no game, belong to a game, but remain in the lobby, or belong to a game and be in the game UI. The server sends lobby updates (connected users, available games) to clients in the first two states at regular intervals. Clients in-game don’t get lobby updates, to save on bandwidth and time spent sending lobby updates.

Finally, some player information is stored on the server: currently, usernames, hashed and salted passwords, and time of last login. The mechanism by which this data is stored is transparent to OpenTafl—hidden by an interface. Right now, the ‘database’ is a pipe-separated file. In the future, if I decide to go further in on the idea of server-side recordkeeping, it’ll be a fairly simple change to kick the file-database to the curb and swap in something like Hibernate+HSQLDB.

That’s where we stand now. Obviously, it’s subject to change, but generally speaking, I’m happy with it. Keep your eyes open for spectator mode and headless AI play.

1. Over there, over there…
2. Or possibly longer, until I get the cronjob working right.
3. It’s a musical tafl post, evidently. You’d better believe that my wife and I always sing ‘Extra daaaaaay!’ whenever we have reason to say ‘extra day’ now.
4. Or so it is planned. My current implementation behaves like this under light loads, but inverts its behavior at the worst possible time: as the queues begin to get busy.

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